... the place for information about Dog Agility in New Zealand
Agility is a fun sport for Dogs and People

Handlers train their dog to correctly negotiate a variety of different pieces of equipment from jumps and tunnels to weave poles and contact equipment. All types of dogs and people can give it a go, from children to grandparents, from Chihuahuas to German Shepherds.

In an agility competition, dogs are directed around a course. They are judged and the fastest round with no errors wins!!

There are more than 40 clubs all over NZ who run regular agility training classes, and a number of agility competitions.

Agility is an active sport, and a very social weekend activity for many people in NZ.

Got your first Agility Dog?
Apply for a number for your dog click here

Find out about Agility

Find a Club

Info for Newbies

Agility News / Dog World Articles

Agility Committee Meetings

Check out when the next Agility Committee meeting is on the Agility event calendar!

All submissions to be sent to secretary@dnzac.nz at least 7 days prior to the meeting.